Mary-Martha Activities
Mary-Martha Society is a society of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and associated with Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML). Our goal is striving toward a mission focus through mission inspiration and mission education.
We acknowledge our relationship with the Triune God and through Him we are enabled to use our gifts and participate in His ministry to others. Support for the mission projects are provided through mite box donations. Mite boxes are given to congregational members who wish to donate their loose change for the projects approved by our Mary-Martha Society and the Church Council. These mite gifts are shared with our congregation and with our district and national organizations.
Examples of our activities include preparing "Baby Care Kits" for Lutheran world Relief, contributing to the current district, and national LWML grant projects. Also, we have contributed to assistance to needy families in our congregation and provided new altar linens for our church. We have had fun hosting our congregation's annual Valentine's Day Spaghetti Supper, hosting the annual Ladies Tea, and the annual thank you to the congregation for their support with an "Appreciation Pancake Breakfast."