Hannah Circle Activities December 2023
The Hannah Circle is a charitable women's organization within the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and is governed by the by-laws of the church. Membership is open to all women members of the congregation. The focus of the Hannah Circle is to provide and support (1) charitable giving within the congregation, (2) support church projects with financial assistance when needed, and (3) provide a forum for Christian fellowship among the Hannah Circle members.
The fellowship consists of bible study and quilting on Thursday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the church. One does not have to be proficient in quilting in order to be a member. Helpers, onlookers, and quilting critics are always welcome. Usually, but not required, is "lunch out with the girls" at one of the local restaurants following the meeting.
Advent Banners December 2023
Hannah Circle members, Bobbi, Marty, Susan, Carol; Designers, Pastor and Lesha; Helping cut, Danielle; Hangers, Jerry
Banners hanging at Altar Each Sunday
Hope Banner First Sunday of Advent
Faith Banner Second Sunday of Advent
Joy Banner Third Sunday of Advent
Banners hanging in the Sanctuary
First Sunday of Advent
Second Sunday of Advent
Third Sunday of Advent
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Christmas Day
Peace Banner Fourth Sunday of Advent
Christ Banner Christmas Day